A family of hatcheries...

White Muscovy Ducks

The White Muscovy Duck: For Farmyards and Backyards

White Muscovy Ducks were discovered in Brazil, domesticated in Europe, and are the only domestic duck not descended from the mallard. Muscovy ducks prefer watery habitats surrounded by trees, particularly riverbeds, coastal wetlands, ponds, and swamps. Trees add to their quality of life, since White Muscovy Ducks are the only Muscovy breed that perches in trees—and have claws for that purpose.

Shirlock Acres logoShirlock Acres
For many years now, Fifth Day Farm has been working in conjunction with Shirlock Acres to produce and hatch Muscovy ducklings. Shirlock Acres will now be taking over all sales and shipping of the ducklings. You will continue to receive the same birds you would have ordered from Fifth Day Farm. Please visit www.shirlockacres.com to now order the White Muscovy Ducklings.

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